Remta Real Estate

Genel Bilgiler
  • Firma Adı : Miran Öztabur
  • Yetkili : Miran Öztabur
  • İşletme Türü : Limited
  • Yıllık Ciro : 1.500.000 TL ve Üstü
  • Çalışan Sayısı : 5 - 10
İletişim Bilgileri
  • Yetkili Tel : +90 544 407 84 05
  • Telefon : +90 544 407 84 05
  • Mail :
  • Web Adresi :
  • İçerenköy Mah. Prof.Dr.Necmettin Erbakan Cad. Rem İş Merkezi No:36/1 Ataşehir İstanbul Turkey Ataşehir / İstanbul

About Remta Real Estate

We have created our partnership structure by combining our common belief and friendship based on years that hold us together, with our individual successes, experiences and strength in different sectors.

Our common motivation, which excited and gave us moral satisfaction, was to create a well-established company that we will proudly entrust to the next generations and to undertake valuable works.

We want the projects we develop and the services we provide to be original, remarkable and watchable. As REMTA İnşaat, we believe in institutionalization and continuous development in order to grow with assertive

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